Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why am I getting zits now? I’m not 16 anymore!

 Adult acne is more common than we once thought. about 1/4 of men and 1/2 of women can suffer from it. As of right not there's no instant fix but there are a few good treatments.

Acne usually begins with blackheads Blackheads are not dirt, they're actually the result of oil and dead cells getting trapped in a pore where they block the duct and mix with bacteria. They then turn black when exposed to air. Red pimples develop when blackheads become inflamed and they spread when touched with dirty hands. When the pimple becomes infected, it develops a whitehead or pustule. These can break and cause scars.

There are often different reasons why adults develop acne compared to kids. Some are: Stress, bad cosmetics, hormones and birth control pills. (Stress causes your oil glands to overcompensate. Bad cosmetics lead to bacteria-laden pores. Hormones cause the sebacuous glands to overact and birth control pills with androgen in them can cause breakouts.) Some women develop adult acne after menapause.
As we get older our skin doesn't bounce back like it used to, so sometimes adult acne can have longer-lasting effects than the kind younger people have. This leads to more scarring. It can also make the sufferer feel rather self-conscious. 

Treatments for adult acne are similar to the ones for teenagers but we have to be a bit more gentle. People tend to scrub too hard, which causes inflammation. Whatever you use, prescription strength or over-the-counter, proper care should be taken to manage the drying effects on the skin.
For acne that does not respond to over-the-counter methods you may have to see a dermatologist. There are also acne treatments that specifically address hormonal acne and new progress is being made in laser acne treatments. While seeing a dermatologist can be expensive, it may be necessary if over-the-counter remedies have been ineffective.

Overall, determining the best treatment for adult acne can take time and money. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Spend time evaluating the various options in eliminating adult acne and start experimenting. Finding the solution to your case could mean trying many products before finally finding success. But do not get discouraged and know that you are not alone, an acne-free existence could be one product away.

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