Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

According to "A New Years Resolution is generally a goal someone sets out to accomplish in the coming year."

I honestly believe the idea is a good one, but honestly, I can't think of one that I really kept. (Most fizzle out a month or so after being made.) So, why do we do it? The promise of hope and new things perhaps? The impetus to change something about ourselves that's less than desirable?

Many of us try to "get fit" or "quit smoking" or "make more time to spend with friends and family" or "get out of debt." All are admirable but kind of vague. The key is making small achievable goals. This way we make some progress which encourages us to keep going.

I'm going to directly quote from: because I felt it really did a good job saying what I wanted to. (I don't usually refer to other articles, but it would have been too hard to paraphrase.)

There is a right way and a wrong way to make a New Year's resolution. Here are a few expert tips to see that your resolution actually makes a difference:

1. Create a Plan
Setting a goal without formulating a plan is merely wishful thinking. In order for your resolution to have resolve, (as the word "resolution" implies), it must translate into clear steps that can be put into action. A good plan will tell you A) What to do next and B) What are all of the steps required to complete the goal.

2. Create Your Plan IMMEDIATELY
If you're like most people, then you'll have a limited window of opportunity during the first few days of January to harness your motivation. After that, most people forget their resolutions completely.
It is imperative that you begin creating your plan immediately.

3. Write Down Your Resolution and Plan exists to help you formulate a plan, which we then help you stick to. But even if you don't use, commit your resolution and plan to writing someplace, such as a notebook or journal.

4. Think "Year Round," Not Just New Year's
Nothing big gets accomplished in one day. Resolutions are set in one day, but accomplished with a hundred tiny steps that happen throughout the year. New Year's resolutions should be nothing more than a starting point. You must develop a ritual or habit for revisiting your plan. helps you stick to your plan by providing email reminders that arrive when it's time to work on a given task.

And finally... 

5. Remain Flexible
Expect that your plan can and will change. Life has a funny way of throwing unexpected things at us, and flexibility is required to complete anything but the simplest goal. Sometimes the goal itself will even change. Most of all, recognize partial successes at every step along the way. Just as a resolution isn't accomplished the day it's stated, neither is it accomplished the day you reach your goal. Rather, it's accomplished in many small increments along the way. Acknowledge these incremental successes as they come.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Roses are red, hot lips are too...

Why is it we have to dare to wear red lipstick?  It's a perfectly nice shade actually. Lately, we have seen celebs sporting the trend on the red carpet, at events and in casual everyday wear.

Why have they been doing this? Some believe it's because of the period pieces many of them have been performing in. Others think it's very festive especially at this time of year.

It's not just a look for holidays like valentines though. Red lips are a great way to add drama to an otherwise natural look.  They are also perfect if you are looking to take a daytime look into nighttime.

Some folks grew up thinking, much like I did, that red lips belonged solely to powerful, confident & sexy people. (The rest of us could wear pink! LOL) I personally did dabble in red lips mostly for Halloween costumes or dance recitals -- where high visibility was important. But don’t be scared if you have never tried red lips before; you can always start with a sheer lip shade.

One of the benefits of red lips is it's artificial but instant teeth whitening effect. (see picture below)

I do know that some ladies prefer more of a burgundy or blood red, but I kind of like the fire engine or cherry red. It really pops especially when you tone down the rest of your makeup wearing neutrals on the eyes. Also, what color/pattern of clothing you choose to wear with it can also make a difference. (Exactly how much attention do you want?)

I decided to try something: for 1 week I'll be wearing Mary Kay Really Red creme lipstick topped with Rockn' Red lip gloss. Let's see what kinds of reactions I get...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Trendy hats, coats, boots, etc to keep you warm this winter

About a month ago I was talking about not letting yourself get cold and dehydrated. And since then I've talked about various parts of cold weather protection. I think I managed to suck the fun right out of things, so this week I wanted to touch upon something more pleasant: keeping warm and looking good at the same time!

The key is layers of thin clothes. Feel free to mix it up with different colors, textures & patterns. I believe the idea is to allow you to adjust your body temperature by adding/removing layers as needed. You could wear a tank top or thin jersey followed by a cardigan,

Many times we can lose body heat from our heads, as we forget to cover them. You don't however have to wear a knit cap with a big puffy pom-pom on top. There are other options. Headbands are a nice alternative, although they don't cover the top they at least keep the ears covered and can be worked into most hairstyles. A smart wool cap or fedora will do too.

Nowadays not only are scarves warm, but they come in so many varieties/styles that they are truly stylish and can pull an outfit together. Indoors or out, scarves are "in."

My personal dilemma is: mittens or gloves? I love gloves, but find mittens more efficient at keeping my fingers/hands warm. I'll leave it up to you which you choose to use. (I recently discovered gloves, by Finger Logic, with special finger tips that have capacitive threads in them allowing you to use your touchscreen technology without leaving your hands cold.

You may want to have several jackets/coats to choose from -- for different occasions and weather conditions. For instance wearing leather in the rain/snow is not advised. But a nice fluffy parka with a hood would be. I also have "snow shoveling" coat Vs a "going out on a Friday night" coat. Sometimes the lighter weight jackets can be worn from fall right into spring, depending on your mastery of layering mentioned above.

I believe that most people would think twice before donning "long underwear" but don't even blink if you suggest wearing leggings. (Much thicker than tights or nylons, they keep your legs warm when you wear dresses and skirts (or maxi sweater/dresses.) However you could wear them under your jeans, as a little insulation, when spending prolonged hours outside --  if you're out ice skating or "walking in a winter wonderland" perhaps.

Speaking of are made for just that! (Sorry, really bad pun of song lyrics.) Weather you're a fashionista or just looking for something practical, your primary concern is keeping those cute toes of yours warm. Depending on the occasion, you may need/want to have several pairs to chose from. I actually suggest having a change with you, if you've been out frolicking in the snow but want something cute for later at night.

So get out there, get creative, play with looks and styles and most of all have fun!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why am I getting zits now? I’m not 16 anymore!

 Adult acne is more common than we once thought. about 1/4 of men and 1/2 of women can suffer from it. As of right not there's no instant fix but there are a few good treatments.

Acne usually begins with blackheads Blackheads are not dirt, they're actually the result of oil and dead cells getting trapped in a pore where they block the duct and mix with bacteria. They then turn black when exposed to air. Red pimples develop when blackheads become inflamed and they spread when touched with dirty hands. When the pimple becomes infected, it develops a whitehead or pustule. These can break and cause scars.

There are often different reasons why adults develop acne compared to kids. Some are: Stress, bad cosmetics, hormones and birth control pills. (Stress causes your oil glands to overcompensate. Bad cosmetics lead to bacteria-laden pores. Hormones cause the sebacuous glands to overact and birth control pills with androgen in them can cause breakouts.) Some women develop adult acne after menapause.
As we get older our skin doesn't bounce back like it used to, so sometimes adult acne can have longer-lasting effects than the kind younger people have. This leads to more scarring. It can also make the sufferer feel rather self-conscious. 

Treatments for adult acne are similar to the ones for teenagers but we have to be a bit more gentle. People tend to scrub too hard, which causes inflammation. Whatever you use, prescription strength or over-the-counter, proper care should be taken to manage the drying effects on the skin.
For acne that does not respond to over-the-counter methods you may have to see a dermatologist. There are also acne treatments that specifically address hormonal acne and new progress is being made in laser acne treatments. While seeing a dermatologist can be expensive, it may be necessary if over-the-counter remedies have been ineffective.

Overall, determining the best treatment for adult acne can take time and money. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Spend time evaluating the various options in eliminating adult acne and start experimenting. Finding the solution to your case could mean trying many products before finally finding success. But do not get discouraged and know that you are not alone, an acne-free existence could be one product away.