Monday, June 20, 2011

The Eye's Have It!

Without naming names, I think it's great that several major brands offer different products that exist because each of us are different. Why shouldn't there be? You have shoes for jogging, boots for snow, heels for dancing and slippers for lounging. Shouldn't your eyes get the same special treatment?

What's your eyelash personality? Do you desire longer lashes? Maybe thicker ones? How about ones that are perfectly separated? (Not clumpy & looking like a tarantula.) Or it could be your lashes are perfect but you just want to keep them from running.

Whatever the case, there's a product out there for you. Not only that, there are curlers and brushes to shape and train them. (Curling your lashes before applying mascara to makes your eyes look wider, more youthful and brighter.) There are even eyeliners to match your needs from solid pencils to liquid and in colors to suit your mood as well. (Eyeliner can be used to enhance eye color, alter the appearance of the set, size, or shape of the eyes or create a dramatic artistic effect.)

But please remember, as silly as this sounds, don't stick anything IN your eye! That means don't line the inside of your eye or get mascara in it. The brush or pencil could cause damage to the cornea (front part). Some people are allergic to the ingredients so please check with your ophthalmologist if you find this happening - you may need hypoallergenic products. There are antibacterial preservatives - to help impede bacterial growth - that can actually irritate the eye.

1) Apply mascara to the tips of your lashes. If you get it too close to the root, you could block the glands on your eyelids that help your eyes to form tears. (Your tears help flush out foreign objects and keep things clear -- much like the wiper fluid for your car windshield.)
2) Don't (EVER) share mascara! The mucous membranes around the eye harbor all sorts of bacteria that can easily latch on to a mascara brush.
3) (Speaking of bacteria - again.) Toss out your mascara every three months. I know it seems wasteful, but there will most likely be bacteria growing in it. (If it's discolored or smells funny, replace it ASAP.)

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